Client: Deliveroo
Country: Belgium
Services: Advertising, Social media, Design studio
Sector: Food delivery
Timing: 2023
Top-of-mind awareness is crucial, just ask Deliveroo and it’s ever competitive market. For their above-the-line campaign, and making their debut on Belgian TV, Deliveroo looked to connect with local consumers with adaptations across other digital and outdoor channels.
The national spring campaign built on Deliveroo’s strong position in the competitive meal delivery sector, as we aimed to build consideration with a wider audience by focussing on their broad assortment and fast delivery as key selling points.
Our partnership delivered a comprehensive campaign, featuring a TV commercial tailored for the local market and supported by a wide range of out-of-home and digital assets. The TVC reached millions of Belgian households, while digital and social assets played a crucial role in driving conversions.